I'm trying to identify various S Range Napoleonic cavalry figures. The problem is that the code numbers were embossed on metal tags which went between the figures' feet. Almost always these have been removed, and it is quite hard to tell one lancer or hussar from another. The S Range catalogues were not particularly well illustrated with photographs and sometimes the figure pictured is not always identified.
While I am still struggling with this, one thing which has helped slightly is referring the two pages posted here from the 1978 (later) Minifigs catalogue. In the later (current) range of course the horse furniture is cast on the horse, not the rider as with S Range. Therefore when ordering you need to know what the right horse is. This information from the catalogue can be helpful when trying to identify what troop type and nationality some of the S Range figures are.
You absolute star! I have wanted something like this for a long time, and it was there all along!! I have a couple of Minifigs catalogues but clearly not the one I needed!!!
Thanks for posting.
Great job, as usual! I have quite a few of the "S" Range AWI figures in a collection I bought a year or so ago and although at first I was disappointed (as I thought I was buying Custom Cast), I am now very pleased! Thanks for all of your efforts! Hal Thinglum
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