Saturday 4 April 2009

Neville Dickinson interviewed by Don Featherstone

Thanks to the unfashionably shiny Doug, here is an interview by Don Featherstone with Neville Dickinson, from Battle magazine.

1 comment:

MSFoy said...

This is brilliant stuff. It is interesting that Donald's interviews so often featured people who had such nice things to say about him. The Gilder interview was similar.

Featherstone is, of course, a very important figure in the history of wargaming. I recall being marginally involved in some brief sabre rattling in about 1979 when DJF gave the Napoleonic Association a bit of a public slating because they were turning out booklets written by what he described as "amateur historians". There was a certain measure of the pots and kettles in this, to be sure, and the writers did include Pete Hofschroer and a few other worthies.

No matter. If it wasn't for Donald I for one would never have got into the hobby, so bless him - a lot of us owe him an awful lot.

It does seem a pity that Miniature Figurines ever had the great idea of replacing the s-range figures with their current garden gnomes.

Chaqu'un a son gout.
