Sunday, 8 December 2019

Unlisted horse code H 7 grazing horse

Particularly useful for a General or an ADC perhaps?


Rick Priestley said...

This is one of the H series horses listed in the 75 Catalogue - one I've never seen as it happens - but this is my own note on the series.

H Series Horses
These are ‘generic’ horses listed in the 75 Catalogue (loose leaf catalogue) as General Type of Horse - ‘Horses’ page Sheet 4. They are plainly the original designs from which the M and A series horses have been created.
H1 Standing Horse
H2 Trotting Horse
H3 Walking Horse
H4 Galloping Horse
H5 Charging Horse
H6 Rearing Horse
H7 Grazing Horse
H8 Pony Galloping

Vintage Wargaming said...

Thanks Rick

I asked Harry Pearson where the list coded HH of later horses came from on the S Range listings in Vintage20mil came from and he couldn't remember, so your comment moves things along a fair bit.

I only acquired this H7 not long ago and like you I had never seen it before.

I will amend the list I posted earlier and the title of thispost.