Sunday, 4 September 2016

Minifigs S Range AWI 3s and 4s Massacheusetts Light Company

What collecting I hve been doing recently has focused on Minifigs S Range. Good honest figures i like nore and more each tinme I see them - and a tragedy that they should have been dropped for the misshapen chunky dwarves we now know as Minifigs and to which I attribute the blame for all the exaggeratedly big headed and handed miniatures of today.... Most of this collecting has been centred on the AWI, SYW and Hundred Years War ranges. This has enabled me to fill in many of the gaps in pictures on the figures of these ranges on my Lone S Ranger blog. The latest are these rather distinctive AWI Massacheusetts Light Company figures.
If this piques your interest, have a look over at the Lone S Ranger blog. If anyone has examples or photos of any of the figures for which I do not have pictures, I would be particularly glad to hear from you. I have also been busy painting around 200 medieval figures from the variios Hundred Years War (HYW, Crecy, Poitiers and Agincourt) ranges. At some point I may put up some unit pictuires.


Stryker said...

Hi Clive - you are so right about these figures. Somewhere an old friend of mine has all my S Range ECW Royalists squirreled away, wish I still had them!

Hal Thinglum said...

They are wonderful figures! I have many of them for the AWI and FPW and a bunch of Napoleonics that I eventually will sell or trade off.