A companion to the Hinton Hunter and the Old Metal Detector blogs, dedicated to the first "true 25mm" figures of the Minifigs S Range, produced between 1968 and 1975.
Wednesday, 13 May 2015
Help with ID please
Any help on this figure would be much appreciated. It has been suggested it might be an American War of Independence figure but the cut of the coat seems more French Napoleonic.
Guys no S Range Wurtembergers and the helmet creat is not horse hair. I now think 95% it is FN 63s Genie officer. ID is made harder as its a bit of a rough casting - it has a mould line running down side and back - whuch makes me suspect it is a recast. Since posting I have found a Genie standard bearer and the helnmet looks the same
I am away from home so no catalogue etc. But from memory these are not a million miles away from the French AWI figures in the later chunky minifig range.
Remember this period has a Tarleton/dragoon helmet for the French infantry. Or any odd combination that took the sculptors fancy.
I would stick my neck out and say this is an AWI French infantry officer. Now you can tell me the range never had any French!
John, there are French line and light infantry, with officers for both, in the AWI range. I have some identified examples of the line officer, who is in tricorne and with sword and pistol. I haven't got examples or pictures of the light infantry. I am pretty sure it is Napoleonic though - I think the genie is out of the bottle.
French infantry, and artillery, often used Tarleton helmets with cheaper wool instead of bearskin crests. They could be 1792-98 French revolutionary figures. I have a friend with many thousands of painted minifigs, all periods, for sale, as he has returned to model railways. If you send me an email headed MINIFIGS, I will forward a contact number, as he is not an internet user. societykinggeorge3@gmail.com
If you wish to see French Tarleton infantry you can visit my blog skg3wargames.blogspot.co.uk
This site is one of a family of (currently) three blogs for people interested in old 20mm and "true 25mm" wargames figures. The others are the Hinton Hunter (concentrating on Hinton Hunt) and the Old Metal Detector (other manufacturers).
Minifgs S Range figures can be hard to identify with absolute confidence, partly through a lack of contemporary photographic catalogues, partly because the code numbers scratched on the underside of infantry figures' bases may be obscured by later basing or by filing, and because code numbers are not present on cavalry figures, while one Napoleonic Lancer looks very like another.
If you spot any mistakes in the attribution of any of the figures here, or can supply pictures for any of the figures missing them, I would be very glad to hear from you.
Contacting the Lone S Ranger
I welcome comments on this blog and the posts in it. All comments are moderated (so I have to approve them before they appear on the blog). I receive notification of comments once you have made them.
If you want to contact me to send photos etc you can e-mail me here
My first thought was Wurtemberg but I don't see any duvh listings do my best bet would be FN62 French Foot Dragoon Officer.
I'd also go Wurtembeg- assuming he's Napoleonic. I had some S range foot Dragoons- and the helmet wasn't that one
Guys no S Range Wurtembergers and the helmet creat is not horse hair. I now think 95% it is FN 63s Genie officer. ID is made harder as its a bit of a rough casting - it has a mould line running down side and back - whuch makes me suspect it is a recast. Since posting I have found a Genie standard bearer and the helnmet looks the same
I am away from home so no catalogue etc. But from memory these are not a million miles away from the French AWI figures in the later chunky minifig range.
Remember this period has a Tarleton/dragoon helmet for the French infantry. Or any odd combination that took the sculptors fancy.
I would stick my neck out and say this is an AWI French infantry officer. Now you can tell me the range never had any French!
John, there are French line and light infantry, with officers for both, in the AWI range. I have some identified examples of the line officer, who is in tricorne and with sword and pistol. I haven't got examples or pictures of the light infantry. I am pretty sure it is Napoleonic though - I think the genie is out of the bottle.
French infantry, and artillery, often used Tarleton helmets with cheaper wool instead of bearskin crests. They could be 1792-98 French revolutionary figures.
I have a friend with many thousands of painted minifigs, all periods, for sale, as he has returned to model railways. If you send me an email headed MINIFIGS, I will forward a contact number, as he is not an internet user.
If you wish to see French Tarleton infantry you can visit my blog skg3wargames.blogspot.co.uk
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